My memories will be part of the sky...
  • Aalto/Vivi
  • Agender - They/Them pronouns please!
  • 18 years old (Dec 27)
{block:Following} {block:Followed} {/block:Followed} {/block:Following}
01 Can you tell me about this page?

The page's name is Multi-Page [02] Unmei. It features an about me section, a navigate/tagslist section, a blogroll, and an faq+ask box.
02 Where can I get the code for it?

From this pastebin paste. If you can't access it due to pastebin being blocked, send me a message and I'll send you a different code.
03 How do I install this page?

At the paste, click the little clipboard icon and copy the entire code to your clipboard. Next, go to your customize page, scroll down and click + Create a new page. Set the page type to Custom CSS, and use ctrl+v to paste down the copied code. [Visit here for more detailed instructions.
04 The art used is so nice! Who is the artist?

maruti-bitamin of tumblr!